Long Term Ecohydrological Research Poland
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PAST EVENT: Session: Response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change: Results from experimental manipulations

The EXPEER group is organizing a session "Response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change: Results from experimental manipulations" which will take place at the European Geoscience Union (EGU) 2013 General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, from 7-12 April 2013.

For session details see http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/session/12701/schindlbacher


Abstracts can be submitted until 9 January.


EGU provides financial support to young and Non-European scientists http://www.egu2013.eu/support_and_distinction/financial_support.html Deadline for support application is 30 November 2012.


The contact person is: Andreas Schindlbacher andreas.schindlbacher@bfw.gv.at

(c) LTER 2009, design and engine: neurino